Dangerous Goods Awareness and Security Training
Our delivered interactive, instructor led, Dangerous Goods Awareness and Security Training is available for up to 6 delegates per session via your platform of choice e.g. Zoom, Teams etc for up to 6 delegates per session (restricted numbers to maintain interaction). The training sessions include all the key aspects of the regulations including all or some of the following (depending upon the need of the business):
Scope - the law, derogations, exemptions and training
UN numbers and Proper Shipping Names
Classes and Subsidiary hazards
Packing Groups and Transport Categories
Special Provisions
Waste and Environmental Products
Excepted Quantities
Limited Quantities
Packaging and Overpacks
Segregation, Mixed Loads and Incompatible Substances
Package Construction, Marking and Labelling
Quantity thresholds (Small Load Limits)
Loading, Unloading and Carrier’s Duties
PPE and Fire Extinguishers
Vehicle Marking and Placarding
Supervision and Parking
Transport Operations/Drivers Duties
Emergency Instructions in Writing
Accident and Emergency Procedures